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资源名称:Head First C#, 3rd Edition 英文PDF
Chapter 1. Start Building With c#: Build something cool, fast!
Chapter 2. It’s all Just Code: Under the hood
Chapter 3. Objects: Get Oriented!: Making code make sense
Chapter 4. Types and References: It’s 10:00. Do you know where your data is?
Part I: C# Lab: A Day at the Races
Chapter 5. Encapsulation: Keep your privates… private
Chapter 6. Inheritance: Your object’s family tree
Chapter 7. Interfaces and Abstract Classes: Making classes keep their promises
Chapter 8. Enums and Collections: Storing Lots of Data
Chapter 9. Reading and Writing Files: Save the last byte for me!
Part II: C# Lab: The Quest
Chapter 10. Designing Windows Store Apps with Xaml: Taking your apps to the next level
Chapter 11. Async, Await, and Data Contract Serialization: Pardon the interruption
Chapter 12. Exception Handling: Putting out fires gets old
Chapter 13. Captain Amazing The Death of the Object
Chapter 14. Querying Data and Building Apps With LINQ: Get Control of Your Data
Chapter 15. Events and Delegates: What your Code does When You’re Not Looking
Chapter 16. Architecting Apps with the Mvvm Pattern: Great apps on the inside and outside
Part III: C# Lab: Invaders
Chapter 17. Bonus Project!: Build a Windows Phone app

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