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Gradle in Action is a comprehensive guide to end-to-end project automation with Gradle. Starting with the basics, this practical, easy-to-read book discusses how to build a full-fledged, real-world project. Along the way, it touches on advanced topics like testing, continuous integration, and monitoring code quality. You'll also explore tasks like setting up your target environment and deploying your software.
About the Technology
Gradle is a general-purpose build automation tool. It extends the usage patterns established by its forerunners, Ant and Maven, and allows builds that are expressive, maintainable, and easy to understand. Using a flexible Groovy-based DSL, Gradle provides declarative and extendable language elements that let you model your project's needs the way you want.
About the Book
Gradle in Action is a comprehensive guide to end-to-end project automation with Gradle. Starting with the basics, this practical, easy-to-read book discusses how to establish an effective build process for a full-fledged, real-world project. Along the way, it covers advanced topics like testing, continuous integration, and monitoring code quality. You'll also explore tasks like setting up your target environment and deploying your software.
The book assumes a basic background in Java, but no knowledge of Groovy.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
Whats Inside
A comprehensive guide to Gradle
Practical, real-world examples
Transitioning from Ant and Maven
In-depth plugin development
Continuous delivery with Gradle
About the Author
Benjamin Muschko is a member of the Gradleware engineering team and the author of several popular Gradle plugins.
Introduction to project automation
Next-generation builds with Gradle
Building a Gradle project by example
Build script essentials
Dependency management
Multiproject builds
Testing with Gradle
Extending Gradle
Integration and migration
IDE support and tooling
Building polyglot projects
Code quality management and monitoring
Continuous integration
Artifact assembly and publishing
Infrastructure provisioning and deployment
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