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资源名称:Ajax应用程序安全 英文PDF

Securing Ajax Applications succinctly explains that the same back-and-forth communications that make Ajax so responsive also gives invaders new opportunities to gather data, make creative new requests of your server, and interfere with the communications between you and your customers. This book presents basic security techniques and examines vulnerabilities with Javascript, XML, JSON, Flash, and other technologies — vital information that will ultimately save you time and money.

Topics include:

An overview of the evolving web platform, including APIs, feeds, web services and asynchronous messaging
Web security basics, including common vulnerabilities, common cures, state management and session management
How to secure web technologies, such as Ajax, Javascript, Java applets, Active X controls, plug-ins, Flash and Flex
How to protect your server, including front-line defense, dealing with application servers, PHP and scripting
Vulnerabilities among web standards such as HTTP, XML, JSON, RSS, ATOM, REST, and XDOS
How to secure web services, build secure APIs, and make open mashups secure



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